If you are a retailer, you can enter yourself online into any of the retail categories…click on the trophy to the left below to begin your entry process. All the criteria and categories you can enter are explained and the entry the process is quick and easy. You will have the opportunity to upload imagery to support your entry. For the Retail Marketing Initiative where more information is needed, please return to the enter section and choose 'Other Awards Categories'. For all the self entry retail categories entered online you will need to register and create a password. Once you have done this it will mean that you will be able to save your submission progress as well as go back and edit an entry right up until the deadline. If you haven’t registered with a password already it will ask you to do this.
If you are a licensee or licensor you can nominate online who you feel are the best two retailers in each of the categories by clicking on the trophy below to the right. As this is a simple nomination process you will not be required to register and create a password.
As a licensee or licensor you can enter the Retail Marketing Initiative. More information is required for this award so please return to the enter section and choose 'Other Awards Categories' to complete your entry (for this category you will be required to register and create a password…when you click on the enter box if you haven’t registered with a password already it will ask you to do this)
The deadline for entries is Friday 30 May 2025.
Good Luck!